The World’s Largest Database

on Mental Wellbeing

Global Mind Project

Tracking our evolving mental wellbeing

Our mental wellbeing and functional capability is evolving as our social, technological and cultural environment changes, in ways that we don’t fully understand.

The Global Mind Project (previously the Mental Health Million Project) seeks to track and understand this evolving relationship to inform the future health and wellbeing of society.

The Project

The project has created the world’s largest database of comprehensive mental health profiles along with demographics, lifestyle and life experience factors of the Internet-enabled population.

These data are being used to

Map the wellbeing and functional capability of people and populations around the globe.

Understand the root causes behind recent trends of declining mental health.

Deliver preventative solutions that shift the needle on mental health.

The Global Mind Project uses responses to the MHQ assessment, which is free and anonymous and provides an email report of scores with specific recommendations.

The Database

The database now contains profiles of over 1 million internet-enabled people across 71+ countries and 14 languages, along with demographics, lifestyle and life experience factors. 2000+ new profiles are added each day. Its dynamic and agile design allows rapid probing of emerging trends.

How our database is different

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Researcher Hub

The database is freely available to researchers in academia, nonprofit and government. Visit our Researcher Hub to find out more and request access to the data.

Investigate the social determinants of human wellbeing

Tracking trends in human wellbeing around the globe and over time

Understand the spectrum of human wellbeing profiles in the general population

Mental State of

World Report 2023

The Mental State of the World report for 2023 includes comparisons of

71 countries and

13 languages

Trends across geography, language and age group

Cite this report as:

Newson JJ, Sukhoi O, Taylor J, Topalo O, and Thiagarajan TC, Mental State of the World 2023, Sapien Labs, March 2024

Advisory Committee

The Global Mind Project is governed by an academic advisory committee that makes determinations on controls and mechanisms around privacy, periodic changes to questions that can aid in the utility of the data, and determination of geographic and demographic focus. The committee is currently composed of:

  • Dr. Brandon Kohrt

    Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, George Washington University, USA

  • Dr. Helen Christenson

    Director and Chief Scientist, Black Dog Institute, Sydney Australia

  • Dr. Pim Cuijpers

    Full Professor, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Clinical Psychology, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • Dr. Eiko Fried

    Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology, Leiden University, Netherlands

  • Dr. Vikram Patel

    Professor, Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard University, USA and Adjunct Professor and Joint Director, Centre for Chronic Conditions and Injuries, Public Health Foundation of India, India

  • Dr. Josh Seidman

    Chief Research and Knowledge Officer, Fountain House

Population Views on Mentalog